Source code for ezff.utils.reaxff

import numpy as np
import itertools
import math

[docs]class reax_forcefield: """ ReaxFF forcefield class. Used for generating ReaxFF templates """ def __init__(self, filename = None, filestring = None, template = 'ff.template.generated', ranges = 'param_ranges', bo_threshold = 1e-8): """ :param filename: ReaxFF forcefield filename :type filename: str :param filestring: ReaxFF forcefield filestring :type filestring: str :param template: ReaxFF forcefield template filename :type template: str :param ranges: File containing the lower and upper bounds for decision variables :type ranges: str """ self.params_write = [] self.template = template self.ranges = ranges self.bo_threshold = bo_threshold if not filename is None: self.read_forcefield_from_file(filename) elif not filestring is None: self.read_forcefield_from_string(filestring)
[docs] def read_forcefield_from_file(self,filename): """ Read ReaxFF forcefield from external file :param filename: ReaxFF forcefield filename :type filename: str """ fffile = open(filename,'r') ff = fffile.close() # Parse forcefield from read-in string self.read_forcefield_from_string(ff) return
[docs] def read_forcefield_from_string(self,filestring): """ Read ReaxFF forcefield from a given forcefield string :param filestring: ReaxFF forcefield string :type filestring: str """ list_of_strings = [line+'\n' for line in filestring.split('\n')] self.full = list_of_strings #print(self.full) # Split forcefield self._split_forcefield() return
def _split_forcefield(self): """ Split ReaxFF forcefield into sections corresponding to general, one-body, two-body, three-body, four-body, offdiagonal and H-bond sections """ header, general, onebody, twobody, offdiagonal, threebody, fourbody, hbond = [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] counter = 0 ff = self.full # Read HEADER line header = ff[0] counter += 1 num_general = int(ff[counter].strip().split()[0]) general_string = ff[counter:counter+num_general+1] # one for the header another for the number of parameters for line in general_string: general.append(line.strip().split()) counter += (num_general + 1) num_onebody = int(ff[counter].strip().split()[0]) onebody_string = ff[counter:counter+(num_onebody*4)+4] # one for the header another for the number of parameters for line in onebody_string: onebody.append(line.strip().split()) counter += ((num_onebody*4) + 4) num_twobody = int(ff[counter].strip().split()[0]) twobody_string = ff[counter:counter+(num_twobody*2)+2] # one for the header another for the number of parameters for line in twobody_string: twobody.append(line.strip().split()) counter += ((num_twobody*2) + 2) num_offdiagonal = int(ff[counter].strip().split()[0]) offdiagonal_string = ff[counter:counter+(num_offdiagonal*1)+1] # one for the header another for the number of parameters for line in offdiagonal_string: offdiagonal.append(line.strip().split()) counter += ((num_offdiagonal*1) + 1) num_threebody = int(ff[counter].strip().split()[0]) threebody_string = ff[counter:counter+(num_threebody*1)+1] # one for the header another for the number of parameters for line in threebody_string: threebody.append(line.strip().split()) counter += ((num_threebody*1) + 1) num_fourbody = int(ff[counter].strip().split()[0]) fourbody_string = ff[counter:counter+(num_fourbody*1)+1] # one for the header another for the number of parameters for line in fourbody_string: fourbody.append(line.strip().split()) counter += ((num_fourbody*1) + 1) num_hbond = int(ff[counter].strip().split()[0]) hbond_string = ff[counter:counter+(num_hbond*1)+1] # one for the header another for the number of parameters for line in hbond_string: hbond.append(line.strip().split()) counter += ((num_hbond*1) + 1) self.header = header self.general = general self.onebody = onebody self.twobody = twobody self.offdiagonal = offdiagonal self.threebody = threebody self.fourbody = fourbody self.hbond = hbond def _get_element_number(self,element): """ Get the numerical index of an element in the ReaxFF forcefield file :param element: Chemical symbol for the element :type element: str """ new_onebody = self.onebody[4::4] for i in range(len(new_onebody)): if new_onebody[i][0].lower().upper() == element.lower().upper(): return i+1 return 0 def _template_qeq(self, e1, bounds): """ Generate decision variable for electrostatic energy equation for a particular element :param e1: Chemical symbol for element 1 :type e1: str :param bounds: Maximum deviation allowed for each decision variable from its current value in the forcefield :type bounds: float """ ie1 = self._get_element_number(e1) if ie1 == 0: return # gamma, chi and eta for index, line in enumerate(self.onebody[4::4]): if (line[0] == e1): break line_number = 3 + (4*index) + 1 gamma = float(self.onebody[line_number][7-1]) # 6th term, -1 for 0 indexing chi = float(self.onebody[line_number+1][14-8-1]) # 14th term, -8 for previous line, -1 for 0 indexing eta = float(self.onebody[line_number+1][15-8-1]) # 15th term, -8 for previous line, -1 for 0 indexing # gamma self.onebody[line_number][7-1] = '<<gam_'+e1+'>>' delta = bounds * np.absolute(gamma) self.params_write.append(['gam_'+e1, str(gamma-delta), str(gamma+delta)]) # chi self.onebody[line_number+1][14-8-1] = '<<chi_'+e1+'>>' delta = bounds * np.absolute(chi) self.params_write.append(['chi_'+e1, str(chi-delta), str(chi+delta)]) # eta self.onebody[line_number+1][15-8-1] = '<<eta_'+e1+'>>' delta = bounds * np.absolute(eta) self.params_write.append(['eta_'+e1, str(eta-delta), str(eta+delta)]) return def _template_bond_order(self, e1, e2, double_bond = False, triple_bond = False, bounds = 0.1): """ Generate decision variables in the bond-order equation for bonds between two elements :param e1: Chemical symbol for element 1 :type e1: str :param e2: Chemical symbol for element 2 :type e2: str :param bounds: Maximum deviation allowed for each decision variable from its current value in the forcefield :type bounds: float :param double_bond: Flag for the presence of a double-bond between elements e1 and e2 :type double_bond: bool :param triple_bond: Flag for the presence of a triple-bond between elements e1 and e2 :type triple_bond: bool """ ie1, ie2 = self._get_element_number(e1), self._get_element_number(e2) #-------------------# #--- SINGLE BOND ---# #-------------------# # PBO1 and PBO2 for index, line in enumerate(self.twobody[2::2]): if (int(line[0]) == ie1 and int(line[1]) == ie2) or (int(line[0]) == ie2 and int(line[1]) == ie1): break line_number = (2 + (2*index) + 1) #PBO1 PBO1 = float(self.twobody[line_number][13-8-1]) # 13th term, -8 for previous line, -1 for 0 indexing delta = bounds * np.absolute(PBO1) self.twobody[line_number][13-8-1] = '<<PBO1_'+e1+'_'+e2+'>>' self.params_write.append(['PBO1_'+e1+'_'+e2, str(PBO1-delta), str(PBO1+delta)]) #PBO2 PBO2 = float(self.twobody[line_number][14-8-1]) # 14th term, -8 for previous line, -1 for 0 indexing delta = bounds * np.absolute(PBO2) self.twobody[line_number][14-8-1] = '<<PBO2_'+e1+'_'+e2+'>>' self.params_write.append(['PBO2_'+e1+'_'+e2, str(PBO2-delta), str(PBO2+delta)]) # ro_sigma for index, line in enumerate(self.offdiagonal[1:]): if (int(line[0]) == ie1 and int(line[1]) == ie2) or (int(line[0]) == ie2 and int(line[1]) == ie1): break line_number = (1 + (1*index)) # ro_sigma ro_sigma = float(self.offdiagonal[line_number][4+2-1]) # 4th term, +2 for atom indices, -1 for 0 indexing delta = bounds * np.absolute(ro_sigma) self.offdiagonal[line_number][4+2-1] = '<<ro_sigma_'+e1+'_'+e2+'>>' self.params_write.append(['ro_sigma_'+e1+'_'+e2, str(ro_sigma-delta), str(ro_sigma+delta)]) #-------------------# #--- DOUBLE BOND ---# #-------------------# if double_bond: # PBO1 and PBO2 for index, line in enumerate(self.twobody[2::2]): if (int(line[0]) == ie1 and int(line[1]) == ie2) or (int(line[0]) == ie2 and int(line[1]) == ie1): break line_number = (2 + (2*index) + 1) #PBO3 PBO3 = float(self.twobody[line_number][10-8-1]) # 10th term, -8 for previous line, -1 for 0 indexing delta = bounds * np.absolute(PBO3) self.twobody[line_number][10-8-1] = '<<PBO3_'+e1+'_'+e2+'>>' self.params_write.append(['PBO3_'+e1+'_'+e2, str(PBO3-delta), str(PBO3+delta)]) #PBO4 PBO4 = float(self.twobody[line_number][11-8-1]) # 11th term, -8 for previous line, -1 for 0 indexing delta = bounds * np.absolute(PBO4) self.twobody[line_number][11-8-1] = '<<PBO4_'+e1+'_'+e2+'>>' self.params_write.append(['PBO4_'+e1+'_'+e2, str(PBO4-delta), str(PBO4+delta)]) # ro_pi for index, line in enumerate(self.offdiagonal[1:]): if (int(line[0]) == ie1 and int(line[1]) == ie2) or (int(line[0]) == ie2 and int(line[1]) == ie1): break line_number = (1 + (1*index)) # ro_pi ro_pi = float(self.offdiagonal[line_number][5+2-1]) # 4th term, +2 for atom indices, -1 for 0 indexing delta = bounds * np.absolute(ro_pi) self.offdiagonal[line_number][5+2-1] = '<<ro_pi_'+e1+'_'+e2+'>>' self.params_write.append(['ro_pi_'+e1+'_'+e2, str(ro_pi-delta), str(ro_pi+delta)]) #-------------------# #--- TRIPLE BOND ---# #-------------------# if triple_bond: # PBO5 and PBO6 for index, line in enumerate(self.twobody[2::2]): if (int(line[0]) == ie1 and int(line[1]) == ie2) or (int(line[0]) == ie2 and int(line[1]) == ie1): break line_number = (2 + (2*index)) #PBO5 PBO5 = float(self.twobody[line_number][5+2-1]) # 5th term, +2 for atom indices, -1 for 0 indexing delta = bounds * np.absolute(PBO5) self.twobody[line_number][5+2-1] = '<<PBO5_'+e1+'_'+e2+'>>' self.params_write.append(['PBO5_'+e1+'_'+e2, str(PBO5-delta), str(PBO5+delta)]) #PBO6 PBO6 = float(self.twobody[line_number][8+2-1]) # 8th term, +2 for atom indices, -1 for 0 indexing delta = bounds * np.absolute(PBO6) self.twobody[line_number][8+2-1] = '<<PBO6_'+e1+'_'+e2+'>>' self.params_write.append(['PBO6_'+e1+'_'+e2, str(PBO6-delta), str(PBO6+delta)]) # ro_pipi for index, line in enumerate(self.offdiagonal[1:]): if (int(line[0]) == ie1 and int(line[1]) == ie2) or (int(line[0]) == ie2 and int(line[1]) == ie1): break line_number = (1 + (1*index)) # ro_pipi ro_pipi = float(self.offdiagonal[line_number][6+2-1]) # 6th term, +2 for atom indices, -1 for 0 indexing delta = bounds * np.absolute(ro_pipi) self.offdiagonal[line_number][6+2-1] = '<<ro_pipi_'+e1+'_'+e2+'>>' self.params_write.append(['ro_pipi_'+e1+'_'+e2, str(ro_pipi-delta), str(ro_pipi+delta)]) return def _template_bond_energy_attractive(self, e1, e2, double_bond = False, triple_bond = False, bounds = 0.1): """ Generate decision variables related to the two-body attractive term :param e1: Chemical symbol for element 1 :type e1: str :param e2: Chemical symbol for element 2 :type e2: str :param bounds: Maximum deviation allowed for each decision variable from its current value in the forcefield :type bounds: float :param double_bond: Flag for the presence of a double-bond between elements e1 and e2 :type double_bond: bool :param triple_bond: Flag for the presence of a triple-bond between elements e1 and e2 :type triple_bond: bool """ ie1, ie2 = self._get_element_number(e1), self._get_element_number(e2) #-------------------# #--- SINGLE BOND ---# #-------------------# # De_sigma for index, line in enumerate(self.twobody[2::2]): if (int(line[0]) == ie1 and int(line[1]) == ie2) or (int(line[0]) == ie2 and int(line[1]) == ie1): break line_number = (2 + (2*index)) #De_sigma De_sigma = float(self.twobody[line_number][1+2-1]) # 1st term, +2 for atom indices, -1 for 0 indexing delta = bounds * np.absolute(De_sigma) self.twobody[line_number][1+2-1] = '<<De_sigma_'+e1+'_'+e2+'>>' self.params_write.append(['De_sigma_'+e1+'_'+e2, str(De_sigma-delta), str(De_sigma+delta)]) #PBE1 PBE1 = float(self.twobody[line_number][4+2-1]) # 4th term, +2 for atom indices, -1 for 0 indexing delta = bounds * np.absolute(PBE1) self.twobody[line_number][4+2-1] = '<<PBE1_'+e1+'_'+e2+'>>' self.params_write.append(['PBE1_'+e1+'_'+e2, str(PBE1-delta), str(PBE1+delta)]) line_number = (2 + (2*index) + 1) # PBE2 is on the next line #PBE2 PBE2 = float(self.twobody[line_number][9-8-1]) # 9th term, -8 for previous line, -1 for 0 indexing delta = bounds * np.absolute(PBE2) self.twobody[line_number][9-8-1] = '<<PBE2_'+e1+'_'+e2+'>>' self.params_write.append(['PBE2_'+e1+'_'+e2, str(PBE2-delta), str(PBE2+delta)]) #-------------------# #--- DOUBLE BOND ---# #-------------------# # De_pi for index, line in enumerate(self.twobody[2::2]): if (int(line[0]) == ie1 and int(line[1]) == ie2) or (int(line[0]) == ie2 and int(line[1]) == ie1): break line_number = (2 + (2*index)) De_pi = float(self.twobody[line_number][2+2-1]) # 2nd term, +2 for atom indices, -1 for 0 indexing if double_bond: delta = bounds * np.absolute(De_pi) self.twobody[line_number][2+2-1] = '<<De_pi_'+e1+'_'+e2+'>>' self.params_write.append(['De_pi_'+e1+'_'+e2, str(De_pi-delta), str(De_pi+delta)]) else: if De_pi != 0.0: print('Double bond parameters for ' + e1 + '-' + e2 + ' bond will not be optimized. Current non-zero values in the template forcefield will be retained.') #-------------------# #--- TRIPLE BOND ---# #-------------------# # De_pipi for index, line in enumerate(self.twobody[2::2]): if (int(line[0]) == ie1 and int(line[1]) == ie2) or (int(line[0]) == ie2 and int(line[1]) == ie1): break line_number = (2 + (2*index)) De_pipi = float(self.twobody[line_number][3+2-1]) # 3rd term, +2 for atom indices, -1 for 0 indexing if triple_bond: delta = bounds * np.absolute(De_pipi) self.twobody[line_number][3+2-1] = '<<De_pipi_'+e1+'_'+e2+'>>' self.params_write.append(['De_pipi_'+e1+'_'+e2, str(De_pipi-delta), str(De_pipi+delta)]) else: if De_pipi != 0.0: print('Triple bond parameters for ' + e1 + '-' + e2 + ' bond will not be optimized. Current non-zero values in the template forcefield will be retained.') def _template_bond_energy_vdW(self, e1, e2, f13 = False, bounds = 0.1): """ Generate decision variables related to the two-body repulsive (i.e. van der Waals) term :param e1: Chemical symbol for element 1 :type e1: str :param e2: Chemical symbol for element 2 :type e2: str :param bounds: Maximum deviation allowed for each decision variable from its current value in the forcefield :type bounds: float :param f13: Flag for the optimization of common variables :type f13: bool """ ie1, ie2 = self._get_element_number(e1), self._get_element_number(e2) # Dij, rvdWm alpha_ij in off-diagonal for index, line in enumerate(self.offdiagonal[1:]): if (int(line[0]) == ie1 and int(line[1]) == ie2) or (int(line[0]) == ie2 and int(line[1]) == ie1): break line_number = (1 + (1*index)) # Dij Dij = float(self.offdiagonal[line_number][1+2-1]) # 1st term, +2 for atom indices, -1 for 0 indexing delta = bounds * np.absolute(Dij) self.offdiagonal[line_number][1+2-1] = '<<Dij_'+e1+'_'+e2+'>>' self.params_write.append(['Dij_'+e1+'_'+e2, str(Dij-delta), str(Dij+delta)]) # rvdW rvdW = float(self.offdiagonal[line_number][2+2-1]) # 2nd term, +2 for atom indices, -1 for 0 indexing delta = bounds * np.absolute(rvdW) self.offdiagonal[line_number][2+2-1] = '<<rvdW_'+e1+'_'+e2+'>>' self.params_write.append(['rvdW_'+e1+'_'+e2, str(rvdW-delta), str(rvdW+delta)]) # alpha_ij alpha_ij = float(self.offdiagonal[line_number][3+2-1]) # 3rd term, +2 for atom indices, -1 for 0 indexing delta = bounds * np.absolute(alpha_ij) self.offdiagonal[line_number][3+2-1] = '<<alpha_ij_'+e1+'_'+e2+'>>' self.params_write.append(['alpha_ij_'+e1+'_'+e2, str(alpha_ij-delta), str(alpha_ij+delta)]) ### WRITE PARAMETER IN F13 if f13: # gamma_w in element 1 in onebody for index, line in enumerate(self.onebody[4::4]): if line[0].lower().upper() == e1.lower().upper(): break line_number = (4 + (4*index) + 1) # gamma_w gamma_w = float(self.onebody[line_number][10-8-1]) # 10th term, -8 for previous line, -1 for 0 indexing delta = bounds * np.absolute(gamma_w) self.onebody[line_number][3+2-1] = '<<gamma_w_'+e1+'>>' self.params_write.append(['gamma_w_'+e1, str(gamma_w-delta), str(gamma_w+delta)]) # gamma_w in element 2 in onebody for index, line in enumerate(self.onebody[4::4]): if line[0].lower().upper() == e2.lower().upper(): break line_number = (4 + (4*index) + 1) # gamma_w gamma_w = float(self.onebody[line_number][10-8-1]) # 10th term, -8 for previous line, -1 for 0 indexing delta = bounds * np.absolute(gamma_w) self.onebody[line_number][3+2-1] = '<<gamma_w_'+e2+'>>' self.params_write.append(['gamma_w_'+e2, str(gamma_w-delta), str(gamma_w+delta)]) # Pvdw1 in general parameters line_number = 1 + 29 # 29th parameter, +1 for header line P_vdW1 = float(self.general[line_number][0]) delta = bounds * np.absolute(P_vdW1) self.general[line_number][0] = '<<PvdW>>' self.params_write.append(['PvdW', str(P_vdW1-delta), str(P_vdW1+delta)]) def _template_threebody_energy(self, e1, e2, e3, bounds = 0.1): """ Generate decision variables related to the three-body angle term :param e1: Chemical symbol for element 1 :type e1: str :param e2: Chemical symbol for element 2 :type e2: str :param e3: Chemical symbol for element 3 :type e3: str :param bounds: Maximum deviation allowed for each decision variable from its current value in the forcefield :type bounds: float """ # theta0, Pval1, Pval2 in threebody for triplet in list(set(list(itertools.permutations([e1,e2,e3])))): ie1 = self._get_element_number(triplet[0]) ie2 = self._get_element_number(triplet[1]) ie3 = self._get_element_number(triplet[2]) for index, line in enumerate(self.threebody[1:]): if int(line[0]) == ie1 and int(line[1]) == ie2 and int(line[2]) == ie3: line_number = (1 + (1*index)) theta0 = float(self.threebody[line_number][1+3-1]) # 1st term, +3 for atom indices, -1 for 0 indexing delta = bounds * np.absolute(theta0) self.threebody[line_number][1+3-1] = '<<theta0_'+triplet[0]+'_'+triplet[1]+'_'+triplet[2]+'>>' self.params_write.append(['theta0_'+triplet[0]+'_'+triplet[1]+'_'+triplet[2], str(theta0-delta), str(theta0+delta)]) Pval1 = float(self.threebody[line_number][2+3-1]) # 2nd term, +3 for atom indices, -1 for 0 indexing delta = bounds * np.absolute(Pval1) self.threebody[line_number][2+3-1] = '<<Pval1_'+triplet[0]+'_'+triplet[1]+'_'+triplet[2]+'>>' self.params_write.append(['Pval1_'+triplet[0]+'_'+triplet[1]+'_'+triplet[2], str(Pval1-delta), str(Pval1+delta)]) Pval2 = float(self.threebody[line_number][3+3-1]) # 3rd term, +3 for atom indices, -1 for 0 indexing delta = bounds * np.absolute(Pval2) self.threebody[line_number][3+3-1] = '<<Pval2_'+triplet[0]+'_'+triplet[1]+'_'+triplet[2]+'>>' self.params_write.append(['Pval2_'+triplet[0]+'_'+triplet[1]+'_'+triplet[2], str(Pval2-delta), str(Pval2+delta)]) def _template_fourbody_energy(self, e1, e2, e3, e4, bounds = 0.1): """ Generate decision variables related to the four-body dihedral term :param e1: Chemical symbol for element 1 :type e1: str :param e2: Chemical symbol for element 2 :type e2: str :param e3: Chemical symbol for element 3 :type e3: str :param e4: Chemical symbol for element 4 :type e4: str :param bounds: Maximum deviation allowed for each decision variable from its current value in the forcefield :type bounds: float """ # V1, V2, V3, Ptor1 in fourbody for quartet in list(set(list(itertools.permutations([e1,e2,e3,e4])))): ie1 = self._get_element_number(quartet[0]) ie2 = self._get_element_number(quartet[1]) ie3 = self._get_element_number(quartet[2]) ie4 = self._get_element_number(quartet[3]) for index, line in enumerate(self.fourbody[1:]): if int(line[0]) == ie1 and int(line[1]) == ie2 and int(line[2]) == ie3 and int(line[3]) == ie4: line_number = (1 + (1*index)) V1 = float(self.fourbody[line_number][1+4-1]) # 1st term, +3 for atom indices, -1 for 0 indexing delta = bounds * np.absolute(V1) self.fourbody[line_number][1+4-1] = '<<V1_'+quartet[0]+'_'+quartet[1]+'_'+quartet[2]+'_'+quartet[3]+'>>' self.params_write.append(['V1_'+quartet[0]+'_'+quartet[1]+'_'+quartet[2]+'_'+quartet[3], str(V1-delta), str(V1+delta)]) V2 = float(self.fourbody[line_number][2+4-1]) # 2nd term, +3 for atom indices, -1 for 0 indexing delta = bounds * np.absolute(V2) self.fourbody[line_number][2+4-1] = '<<V2_'+quartet[0]+'_'+quartet[1]+'_'+quartet[2]+'_'+quartet[3]+'>>' self.params_write.append(['V2_'+quartet[0]+'_'+quartet[1]+'_'+quartet[2]+'_'+quartet[3], str(V2-delta), str(V2+delta)]) V3 = float(self.fourbody[line_number][3+4-1]) # 3rd term, +3 for atom indices, -1 for 0 indexing delta = bounds * np.absolute(V3) self.fourbody[line_number][3+4-1] = '<<V3_'+quartet[0]+'_'+quartet[1]+'_'+quartet[2]+'_'+quartet[3]+'>>' self.params_write.append(['V3_'+quartet[0]+'_'+quartet[1]+'_'+quartet[2]+'_'+quartet[3], str(V3-delta), str(V3+delta)]) Ptor1 = float(self.fourbody[line_number][4+4-1]) # 4th term, +3 for atom indices, -1 for 0 indexing delta = bounds * np.absolute(Ptor1) self.fourbody[line_number][4+4-1] = '<<Ptor1_'+quartet[0]+'_'+quartet[1]+'_'+quartet[2]+'_'+quartet[3]+'>>' self.params_write.append(['Ptor1_'+quartet[0]+'_'+quartet[1]+'_'+quartet[2]+'_'+quartet[3], str(Ptor1-delta), str(Ptor1+delta)])
[docs] def generate_templates(self): """ Function to write-out the current modified forcefield sections into a forcefield template file """ with open(self.ranges, 'w') as ranges_file: for parameter in self.params_write: ranges_file.write(' '.join(parameter) + '\n') with open(self.template,'w') as template: template.write(self.header) for line in self.general: template.write(' '.join(line)+'\n') for line in self.onebody: template.write(' '.join(line)+'\n') for line in self.twobody: template.write(' '.join(line)+'\n') for line in self.offdiagonal: template.write(' '.join(line)+'\n') for line in self.threebody: template.write(' '.join(line)+'\n') for line in self.fourbody: template.write(' '.join(line)+'\n') for line in self.hbond: template.write(' '.join(line)+'\n')
[docs] def make_template_qeq(self, e1, bounds=0.1): """ Function to generate decision variable for Charge Equilibration (QEq) terms : param e1 : Chemical symbol for element 1 : type e1 : str : param bounds: Maximum deviation allowed for each decision variable from its current value in the forcefield : type bounds: float """ # GET ONE_BODY_PARAMETERS SPECIFIC TO QEQ self._template_qeq(e1,bounds) return
[docs] def make_template_twobody(self, e1, e2, double_bond = False, triple_bond = False, bounds = 0.1, common = False): """ Function to generate decision variables for all two-body terms (i.e. bond-order, attractive and vdW) between two given elements :param e1: Chemical symbol for element 1 :type e1: str :param e2: Chemical symbol for element 2 :type e2: str :param bounds: Maximum deviation allowed for each decision variable from its current value in the forcefield :type bounds: float :param double_bond: Flag for the presence of a double-bond between elements e1 and e2 :type double_bond: bool :param triple_bond: Flag for the presence of a triple-bond between elements e1 and e2 :type triple_bond: bool :param common: Flag for the optimization of common parameters :type common: bool """ # GET BOND_ORDER_PARAMETERS self._template_bond_order(e1,e2,double_bond = double_bond, triple_bond = triple_bond, bounds = bounds) self._template_bond_energy_attractive(e1,e2,double_bond = double_bond, triple_bond = triple_bond, bounds = bounds) self._template_bond_energy_vdW(e1,e2, f13 = common, bounds = bounds) return
[docs] def make_template_threebody(self, e1, e2, e3, bounds = 0.1, common = False): """ Function to generate decision variables for all three-body terms for a given triplet of elements :param e1: Chemical symbol for element 1 :type e1: str :param e2: Chemical symbol for element 2 :type e2: str :param e3: Chemical symbol for element 3 :type e3: str :param bounds: Maximum deviation allowed for each decision variable from its current value in the forcefield :type bounds: float :param common: Flag for the optimization of common parameters :type common: bool """ self._template_threebody_energy(e1, e2, e3, bounds = bounds) return
[docs] def make_template_fourbody(self, e1, e2, e3, e4, bounds = 0.1, common = False): """ Function to generate decision variables for all four-body terms for a given quartet of elements :param e1: Chemical symbol for element 1 :type e1: str :param e2: Chemical symbol for element 2 :type e2: str :param e3: Chemical symbol for element 3 :type e3: str :param e4: Chemical symbol for element 4 :type e4: str :param bounds: Maximum deviation allowed for each decision variable from its current value in the forcefield :type bounds: float :param common: Flag for the optimization of common parameters :type common: bool """ self._template_fourbody_energy(e1, e2, e3, e4, bounds = bounds) return
[docs] def write_formatted_forcefields(self): """ Function to write-out the current forcefield with correct ReaxFF formatting :param outfilename: File to which formatted forcefield to be written to :type outfilename: str """ string = self.header # Write general parameters for lineno, line in enumerate(self.general): if lineno == 0: string += ' %2d %s\n' %(int(line[0]), ' '.join(line[1:])) else: string += '%10.4f %s\n' %(float(line[0]), ' '.join(line[1:])) # One-body term for lineno, line in enumerate(self.onebody[:4]): if lineno == 0: string += '%3d %s\n' %(int(line[0]), ' '.join(line[1:])) else: string += ' %s\n' %(' '.join(line)) for lineno, line in enumerate(self.onebody[4:]): if lineno % 4 == 0: string += ' %-2s' % line[0] + ''.join(['%9.4f' % float(val) for val in line[1:]]) + '\n' else: string += ' ' + ''.join(['%9.4f' % float(val) for val in line]) + '\n' # Two-body terms for lineno, line in enumerate(self.twobody[:2]): if lineno == 0: string += '%3d %s\n' %(int(line[0]), ' '.join(line[1:])) else: string += ' %s\n' %(' '.join(line)) for lineno, line in enumerate(self.twobody[2:]): if lineno % 2 == 0: string += '%3d' % int(line[0]) + '%3d' % int(line[1]) + ''.join(['%9.4f' % float(val) for val in line[2:]]) + '\n' else: string += ' ' + ''.join(['%9.4f' % float(val) for val in line]) + '\n' # Off-diagonal for lineno, line in enumerate(self.offdiagonal): if lineno == 0: string += '%3d ' % int(line[0]) + ' '.join(line[1:]) + '\n' else: string += '%3d' % int(line[0]) + '%3d' % int(line[1]) + ''.join(['%9.4f' % float(val) for val in line[2:]]) + '\n' # Threebody for lineno, line in enumerate(self.threebody): if lineno == 0: string += '%3d ' % int(line[0]) + ' '.join(line[1:]) + '\n' else: string += '%3d' % int(line[0]) + '%3d' % int(line[1]) + '%3d' % int(line[2]) + ''.join(['%9.4f' % float(val) for val in line[3:]]) + '\n' # Fourbody for lineno, line in enumerate(self.fourbody): if lineno == 0: string += '%3d ' % int(line[0]) + ' '.join(line[1:]) + '\n' else: string += '%3d' % int(line[0]) + '%3d' % int(line[1]) + '%3d' % int(line[2]) + '%3d' % int(line[3]) + ''.join(['%9.4f' % float(val) for val in line[4:]])+ '\n' # Hbond for lineno, line in enumerate(self.hbond): if lineno == 0: string += '%3d ' % int(line[0]) + ' '.join(line[1:]) + '\n' else: string += '%3d' % int(line[0]) + '%3d' % int(line[1]) + '%3d' % int(line[2]) + ''.join(['%9.4f' % float(val) for val in line[3:]]) + '\n' return string
[docs] def write_gulp_library(self, outfilename = None): """ Function to write-out the forcefield in the GULP library format :param outfilename: File to which the GULP ReaxFF forcefield library :type outfilename: str """ # HEADER string = '' string += '#\n' string += '# ReaxFF force field\n' string += '#\n' string += '# Original paper:\n' string += '#\n' string += '# A.C.T. van Duin, S. Dasgupta, F. Lorant and W.A. Goddard III,\n' string += '# J. Phys. Chem. A, 105, 9396-9409 (2001)\n' string += '#\n' string += '#\n' # CUTOFFS string += '# Cutoffs for VDW & Coulomb terms\n' string += '#\n' string += 'reaxFFvdwcutoff %12.4f\n' % float(self.general[13][0]) string += 'reaxFFqcutoff %12.4f\n' % float(self.general[13][0]) string += '#\n' #BOND ORDER THRESHOLD string += '# Bond order threshold - check anglemin as this is cutof2 given in control file\n' string += '#\n' string += 'reaxFFtol %12.10f 0.001\n' % (float(self.general[30][0])*0.01) string += '#\n' #SPECIES INDEPENDENT PARAMETERS string += '# Species independent parameters \n' string += '#\n' string += 'reaxff0_bond %12.6f %12.6f\n' %(float(self.general[1][0]), float(self.general[2][0])) string += 'reaxff0_over %12.6f %12.6f %12.6f %12.6f %12.6f\n' %(float(self.general[33][0]), float(self.general[32][0]), float(self.general[7][0]), float(self.general[9][0]), float(self.general[10][0])) string += 'reaxff0_valence %12.6f %12.6f %12.6f %12.6f\n' %(float(self.general[15][0]), float(self.general[34][0]), float(self.general[17][0]), float(self.general[18][0])) string += 'reaxff0_penalty %12.6f %12.6f %12.6f\n' %(float(self.general[20][0]), float(self.general[21][0]), float(self.general[22][0])) string += 'reaxff0_torsion %12.6f %12.6f %12.6f %12.6f\n' %(float(self.general[24][0]), float(self.general[25][0]), float(self.general[26][0]), float(self.general[28][0])) string += 'reaxff0_vdw %12.6f\n' % float(self.general[29][0]) string += 'reaxff0_lonepair %12.6f\n' % float(self.general[16][0]) string += '#\n' #SPECIES PARAMETERS - RADII string += '# Species parameters \n' string += '#\n' string += 'reaxff1_radii\n' for lineno in list(range(4,len(self.onebody),4)): string += '%-2s core %8.4f %8.4f %8.4f\n' % (self.onebody[lineno][0], float(self.onebody[lineno][1]), float(self.onebody[lineno][7]), float(self.onebody[lineno+2][0])) #SPECIES PARAMETERS - VALENCE string += 'reaxff1_valence\n' for lineno in list(range(4,len(self.onebody),4)): string += '%-2s core %8.4f %8.4f %8.4f %8.4f\n' % (self.onebody[lineno][0], float(self.onebody[lineno][2]), float(self.onebody[lineno+3][3]), float(self.onebody[lineno][8]), float(self.onebody[lineno+1][2])) #SPECIES PARAMETERS - OVER string += 'reaxff1_over\n' for lineno in list(range(4,len(self.onebody),4)): string += '%-2s core %8.4f %8.4f %8.4f %8.4f\n' % (self.onebody[lineno][0], float(self.onebody[lineno+2][4]), float(self.onebody[lineno+2][3]), float(self.onebody[lineno+2][5]), float(self.onebody[lineno+3][0])) #SPECIES PARAMETERS - UNDER KCAL string += 'reaxff1_under kcal\n' for lineno in list(range(4,len(self.onebody),4)): string += '%-2s core %8.4f\n' % (self.onebody[lineno][0], float(self.onebody[lineno+1][3])) #SPECIES PARAMETERS - LONEPAIR KCAL string += 'reaxff1_lonepair kcal\n' for lineno in list(range(4,len(self.onebody),4)): string += '%-2s core %8.4f %8.4f\n' % (self.onebody[lineno][0], 0.5*(float(self.onebody[lineno][8]) - float(self.onebody[lineno][2])), float(self.onebody[lineno+2][1])) #SPECIES PARAMETERS - ANGLE string += 'reaxff1_angle\n' for lineno in list(range(4,len(self.onebody),4)): string += '%-2s core %8.4f %8.4f\n' % (self.onebody[lineno][0], float(self.onebody[lineno+3][1]), float(self.onebody[lineno+3][4])) #SPECIES PARAMETERS - ANGLE string += 'reaxff1_morse kcal\n' for lineno in list(range(4,len(self.onebody),4)): string += '%-2s core %8.4f %8.4f %8.4f %8.4f\n' % (self.onebody[lineno][0], float(self.onebody[lineno+1][0]), float(self.onebody[lineno][5]), float(self.onebody[lineno][4]), float(self.onebody[lineno+1][1])) #ELEMENT PARAMETERS string += '#\n' string += '# Element parameters \n' string += '#\n' #ELEMENT PARAMETERS - CHI string += 'reaxff_chi \n' for lineno in list(range(4,len(self.onebody),4)): string += '%-2s core %8.4f\n' % (self.onebody[lineno][0], float(self.onebody[lineno+1][5])) #ELEMENT PARAMETERS - MU string += 'reaxff_mu \n' for lineno in list(range(4,len(self.onebody),4)): string += '%-2s core %8.4f\n' % (self.onebody[lineno][0], float(self.onebody[lineno+1][6])) #ELEMENT PARAMETERS - MU string += 'reaxff_gamma \n' for lineno in list(range(4,len(self.onebody),4)): string += '%-2s core %8.4f\n' % (self.onebody[lineno][0], float(self.onebody[lineno][6])) #BOND PARAMETERS string += '#\n' string += '# Bond parameters \n' string += '#\n' #BOND PARAMETERS - BO OVER BO13 element_number = ['X'] for line in self.onebody[4::4]: element_number.append(line[0]) first = True for lineno in list(range(2,len(self.twobody),2)): if (float(self.twobody[lineno][7]) > 0.001 and float(self.twobody[lineno+1][6]) > 0.001): if first: string += 'reaxff2_bo over bo13\n' first = False n1, n2 = int(self.twobody[lineno][0]), int(self.twobody[lineno][1]) bo3 = 0.0 if (np.absolute(float(self.twobody[lineno+1][1])-1.0) < 1.0e-12) else float(self.twobody[lineno+1][1]) string += '%-2s core %-2s core %8.4f %8.4f %8.4f %8.4f %8.4f %8.4f\n' % (element_number[n1], element_number[n2], float(self.twobody[lineno+1][4]), float(self.twobody[lineno+1][5]), bo3, float(self.twobody[lineno+1][2]), float(self.twobody[lineno][6]), float(self.twobody[lineno][8])) #BOND PARAMETERS - BO UNDER element_number = ['X'] for line in self.onebody[4::4]: element_number.append(line[0]) first = True for lineno in list(range(2,len(self.twobody),2)): if (float(self.twobody[lineno][7]) > 0.001 and float(self.twobody[lineno+1][6]) <= 0.001): if first: string += 'reaxff2_bo bo13\n' first = False n1, n2 = int(self.twobody[lineno][0]), int(self.twobody[lineno][1]) bo3 = 0.0 if math.isclose(1.0, float(self.twobody[lineno+1][1])) else float(self.twobody[lineno+1][1]) string += '%-2s core %-2s core %8.4f %8.4f %8.4f %8.4f %8.4f %8.4f\n' % (element_number[n1], element_number[n2], float(self.twobody[lineno+1][4]), float(self.twobody[lineno+1][5]), bo3, float(self.twobody[lineno+1][2]), float(self.twobody[lineno][6]), float(self.twobody[lineno][8])) #BOND PARAMETERS - BO OVER element_number = ['X'] for line in self.onebody[4::4]: element_number.append(line[0]) first = True for lineno in list(range(2,len(self.twobody),2)): if (float(self.twobody[lineno][7]) <= 0.001 and float(self.twobody[lineno+1][6]) > 0.001): if first: string += 'reaxff2_bo over\n' first = False n1, n2 = int(self.twobody[lineno][0]), int(self.twobody[lineno][1]) bo3 = 0.0 if math.isclose(1.0, float(self.twobody[lineno+1][1])) else float(self.twobody[lineno+1][1]) string += '%-2s core %-2s core %8.4f %8.4f %8.4f %8.4f %8.4f %8.4f\n' % (element_number[n1], element_number[n2], float(self.twobody[lineno+1][4]), float(self.twobody[lineno+1][5]), bo3, float(self.twobody[lineno+1][2]), float(self.twobody[lineno][6]), float(self.twobody[lineno][8])) #BOND PARAMETERS - BO element_number = ['X'] for line in self.onebody[4::4]: element_number.append(line[0]) first = True for lineno in list(range(2,len(self.twobody),2)): if (float(self.twobody[lineno][7]) <= 0.001 and float(self.twobody[lineno+1][6]) <= 0.001): if first: string += 'reaxff2_bo \n' first = False n1, n2 = int(self.twobody[lineno][0]), int(self.twobody[lineno][1]) bo3 = 0.0 if math.isclose(1.0, float(self.twobody[lineno+1][1])) else float(self.twobody[lineno+1][1]) string += '%-2s core %-2s core %8.4f %8.4f %8.4f %8.4f %8.4f %8.4f\n' % (element_number[n1], element_number[n2], float(self.twobody[lineno+1][4]), float(self.twobody[lineno+1][5]), bo3, float(self.twobody[lineno+1][2]), float(self.twobody[lineno][6]), float(self.twobody[lineno][8])) #BOND PARAMETERS - BOND KCAL element_number = ['X'] for line in self.onebody[4::4]: element_number.append(line[0]) string += 'reaxff2_bond kcal \n' for lineno in list(range(2,len(self.twobody),2)): n1, n2 = int(self.twobody[lineno][0]), int(self.twobody[lineno][1]) string += '%-2s core %-2s core %8.4f %8.4f %8.4f %8.4f %8.4f\n' % (element_number[n1], element_number[n2], float(self.twobody[lineno][2]), float(self.twobody[lineno][3]), float(self.twobody[lineno][4]), float(self.twobody[lineno][5]), float(self.twobody[lineno+1][0])) #BOND PARAMETERS - BOND OVER element_number = ['X'] for line in self.onebody[4::4]: element_number.append(line[0]) string += 'reaxff2_over \n' for lineno in list(range(2,len(self.twobody),2)): n1, n2 = int(self.twobody[lineno][0]), int(self.twobody[lineno][1]) string += '%-2s core %-2s core %8.4f \n' % (element_number[n1], element_number[n2], float(self.twobody[lineno][9])) #BOND PARAMETERS - BOND PEN KCAL element_number = ['X'] for line in self.onebody[4::4]: element_number.append(line[0]) first = True for lineno in list(range(2,len(self.twobody),2)): if float(self.twobody[lineno+1][7]) > 0.0: if first: string += 'reaxff2_pen kcal\n' first = False n1, n2 = int(self.twobody[lineno][0]), int(self.twobody[lineno][1]) string += '%-2s core %-2s core %8.4f %8.4f %8.4f\n' % (element_number[n1], element_number[n2], float(self.twobody[lineno+1][7]), float(self.general[14][0]), 1.0) #BOND PARAMETERS - BOND MORSE KCAL element_number = ['X'] for line in self.onebody[4::4]: element_number.append(line[0]) string += 'reaxff2_morse kcal\n' for line in self.offdiagonal[1:]: n1, n2 = int(line[0]), int(line[1]) string += '%-2s core %-2s core %8.4f %8.4f %8.4f %8.4f %8.4f %8.4f\n' % (element_number[n1], element_number[n2], float(line[2]), float(line[4]), float(line[3]), float(line[5]), float(line[6]), float(line[7])) #ANGLE PARAMETERS string += '#\n' string += '# Angle parameters \n' string += '#\n' #ANGLE PARAMETERS - ANGLE KCAL element_number = ['X'] for line in self.onebody[4::4]: element_number.append(line[0]) string += 'reaxff3_angle kcal\n' for line in self.threebody[1:]: n2, n1, n3 = int(line[0]), int(line[1]), int(line[2]) if float(line[4]) > 0.0: string += '%-2s core %-2s core %-2s core %8.4f %8.4f %8.4f %8.4f %8.4f\n' % (element_number[n1], element_number[n2], element_number[n3], float(line[3]), float(line[4]), float(line[5]), float(line[9]), float(line[7])) #ANGLE PARAMETERS - PENALTY KCAL element_number = ['X'] for line in self.onebody[4::4]: element_number.append(line[0]) string += 'reaxff3_penalty kcal \n' for line in self.threebody[1:]: n2, n1, n3 = int(line[0]), int(line[1]), int(line[2]) string += '%-2s core %-2s core %-2s core %8.4f\n' % (element_number[n1], element_number[n2], element_number[n3], float(line[8])) #ANGLE PARAMETERS - CONJUGATION KCAL element_number = ['X'] for line in self.onebody[4::4]: element_number.append(line[0]) string += 'reaxff3_conjugation kcal \n' for line in self.threebody[1:]: if np.absolute(float(line[6])) > 1.0e-4: n2, n1, n3 = int(line[0]), int(line[1]), int(line[2]) string += '%-2s core %-2s core %-2s core %8.4f %8.4f %8.4f %8.4f\n' % (element_number[n1], element_number[n2], element_number[n3], float(line[6]), float(self.general[3][0]), float(self.general[39][0]), float(self.general[31][0])) #HBOND PARAMETERS string += '#\n' string += '# Hydrogen bond parameters \n' string += '#\n' #HBOND PARAMETERS - CONJUGATION KCAL element_number = ['X'] for line in self.onebody[4::4]: element_number.append(line[0]) string += 'reaxff3_hbond kcal \n' for line in self.hbond[1:]: n2, n1, n3 = int(line[0]), int(line[1]), int(line[2]) string += '%-2s core %-2s core %-2s core %8.4f %8.4f %8.4f %8.4f\n' % (element_number[n1], element_number[n2], element_number[n3], float(line[3]), float(line[4]), float(line[5]), float(line[6])) #TORSION PARAMETERS string += '#\n' string += '# Torsion parameters \n' string += '#\n' #HBOND PARAMETERS - CONJUGATION KCAL element_number = ['X'] for line in self.onebody[4::4]: element_number.append(line[0]) string += 'reaxff4_torsion kcal \n' for line in self.fourbody[1:]: n1, n2, n3, n4 = int(line[0]), int(line[1]), int(line[2]), int(line[3]) string += '%-2s core %-2s core %-2s core %-2s core %8.4f %8.4f %8.4f %8.4f %8.4f\n' % (element_number[n1], element_number[n2], element_number[n3], element_number[n4], float(line[4]), float(line[5]), float(line[6]), float(line[7]), float(line[8])) #GENERAL PARAMETERS - Thresholds and cutoffs string += '\n\n' string += 'reaxfftol {0:.12f}'.format(self.bo_threshold) string += '\n\n' if outfilename is not None: libfile = open(outfilename, 'w') libfile.write(string) libfile.close() return else: return string