Source code for ezff.interfaces.qchem

"""Interface to Q-Chem, the ab initio quantum chemistry package"""
import numpy as np
import xtal
from ezff.utils import convert_units as convert

[docs]def read_structure(outfilename): """ Read-in a multiple partially-converged structures from a PES scan (including bond-scans, angle-scans and dihedral-scans) :param outfilename: Single filename for ``stdout`` from the QChem PES scan job or a list of filenames for ``stdout`` files from partial QChem PES scan jobs :type outfilename: str :returns: ``xtal`` trajectory object with structures and converged energies along the PES scan as individual snapshots """ structure = xtal.AtTraj() = np.zeros((3,3)) energies = [] if isinstance(outfilename, list): listfilenames = outfilename else: listfilenames = [outfilename] for single_outfilename in list(listfilenames): # Read structure outfile = open(single_outfilename,'r') while True: line = outfile.readline() if not line: # break at EOF break if 'OPTIMIZATION CONVERGED' in line: snapshot = structure.create_snapshot(xtal.Snapshot) dummyline = outfile.readline() dummyline = outfile.readline() dummyline = outfile.readline() dummyline = outfile.readline() # Atomic coordinates start here while True: coords = outfile.readline() if coords.strip()=='': break atom = snapshot.create_atom(xtal.Atom) atom.element, atom.cart = coords.strip().split()[1], np.array(list(map(float,coords.strip().split()[2:5]))) xpos_this_snapshot = [atom.cart[0] for atom in snapshot.atomlist] ypos_this_snapshot = [atom.cart[1] for atom in snapshot.atomlist] zpos_this_snapshot = [atom.cart[2] for atom in snapshot.atomlist] offset_vector = 0.0 - np.array([np.amin(xpos_this_snapshot), np.amin(ypos_this_snapshot), np.amin(zpos_this_snapshot)]) snapshot.move(offset_vector) outfile.close() # Since the QChem structure is often non-periodic, we set up a box that is 50 Angstrom larger than the maximum extent of atoms xpos = [atom.cart[0] for atom in snapshot.atomlist for snapshot in structure.snaplist] ypos = [atom.cart[1] for atom in snapshot.atomlist for snapshot in structure.snaplist] zpos = [atom.cart[2] for atom in snapshot.atomlist for snapshot in structure.snaplist][0][0] = np.amax(xpos) - np.amin(xpos) + 50.0[1][1] = np.amax(ypos) - np.amin(ypos) + 50.0[2][2] = np.amax(zpos) - np.amin(zpos) + 50.0 return structure
[docs]def read_energy(outfilename): """ Read-in a multiple partially-converged structures from a PES scan (including bond-scans, angle-scans and dihedral-scans) :param outfilename: Single filename for ``stdout`` from the QChem PES scan job or a list of filenames for ``stdout`` files from partial QChem PES scan jobs :type outfilename: str :returns: ``xtal`` trajectory object with structures and converged energies along the PES scan as individual snapshots """ structure = xtal.AtTraj() energies = [] if isinstance(outfilename, list): listfilenames = outfilename else: listfilenames = [outfilename] for single_outfilename in list(listfilenames): # Read energies outfile = open(single_outfilename,'r') for line in outfile: if 'Final energy is' in line: energy_in_Hartrees = float(line.strip().split()[-1]) energies.append(energy_in_Hartrees *['Ha']['eV']) outfile.close() return np.array(energies)
[docs]def read_atomic_charges(outfilename): """ Read-in a multiple partially-converged structures from a PES scan (including bond-scans, angle-scans and dihedral-scans) :param outfilename: Single filename for ``stdout`` from the QChem PES scan job or a list of filenames for ``stdout`` files from partial QChem PES scan jobs :type outfilename: str :returns: ``xtal`` trajectory object with structures and converged energies along the PES scan as individual snapshots """ structure = xtal.AtTraj() = np.zeros((3,3)) energies = [] if isinstance(outfilename, list): listfilenames = outfilename else: listfilenames = [outfilename] for single_outfilename in list(listfilenames): # Read structure outfile = open(single_outfilename,'r') while True: line = outfile.readline() if not line: # break at EOF break if 'Ground-State Mulliken Net Atomic Charges' in line: charge_array = [] dummyline = outfile.readline() dummyline = outfile.readline() dummyline = outfile.readline() while True: charges = outfile.readline().strip().split() if charges[0][0] == '-': break charge_array.append(float(charges[2])) if 'OPTIMIZATION CONVERGED' in line: snapshot = structure.create_snapshot(xtal.Snapshot) dummyline = outfile.readline() dummyline = outfile.readline() dummyline = outfile.readline() dummyline = outfile.readline() # Atomic coordinates start here atomID = 0 while True: coords = outfile.readline() if coords.strip()=='': break atom = snapshot.create_atom(xtal.Atom) atom.element, atom.cart = coords.strip().split()[1], np.array(list(map(float,coords.strip().split()[2:5]))) atom.charge = charge_array[atomID] atomID += 1 outfile.close() return structure