Source code for ezff.interfaces.gulp

"""Interface to GULP, the General Utility Lattice Program"""
import os
import xtal
import numpy as np
import ezff
from ezff.ffio import generate_forcefield as gen_ff
from ezff.utils import convert_units as convert
import distutils
from distutils import spawn

[docs]class job: """ Class representing a GULP calculation """ def __init__(self, verbose=False, path='.'): """ :param path: Path where the GULP job must be run from :type path: str :param verbose: Print details about the GULP job :type verbose: bool """ if not os.path.isdir(path): if verbose: print('Path for current job is not valid . Creating a new directory...') os.makedirs(path) self.path = path self.scriptfile = os.path.join(os.path.abspath(path), 'in.gulp') self.outfile = os.path.join(os.path.abspath(path), 'out.gulp') self.structure = None self.forcefield = '' self.options = { "relax_atoms": False, "relax_cell": False, "pbc": False, "atomic_charges": False, "phonon_dispersion": None, "phonon_dispersion_from": None, "phonon_dispersion_to": None } self.verbose = verbose if verbose: print('Created a new GULP job') def generate_forcefield(self, template_string, parameters, FFtype = None, outfile = None): self.options['fftype'] = FFtype.upper() forcefield = gen_ff(template_string, parameters, FFtype = FFtype, outfile = outfile, MD = 'GULP') return forcefield
[docs] def run(self, command = None, timeout = None): """ Execute GULP job with user-defined parameters :param command: path to GULP executable :type command: str :param timeout: GULP job is automatically killed after ``timeout`` seconds :type timeout: int """ if command is None: # Attempt to locate a `gulp` executable gulpexec = distutils.spawn.find_executable('gulp') if gulpexec is not None: print('Located GULP executable at ' + gulpexec) command = gulpexec else: print('No GULP executable specified or located') self._write_script_file() system_call_command = command + ' < ' + self.scriptfile + ' > ' + self.outfile + ' 2> ' + self.outfile + '.runerror' if timeout is not None: system_call_command = 'timeout ' + str(timeout) + ' ' + system_call_command if self.verbose: print('cd '+ self.path + ' ; ' + system_call_command) os.system('cd '+ self.path + ' ; ' + system_call_command)
def _write_script_file(self): """ Write-out a complete GULP script file, ``job.scriptfile``, based on job parameters """ opts = self.options script = open(self.scriptfile,'w') header_line = '' if opts['relax_atoms']: header_line += 'optimise ' if opts['relax_cell']: header_line += 'conp ' else: header_line += 'conv ' if header_line == '': header_line = 'gradient ' if opts['phonon_dispersion'] is not None: header_line += 'phonon nofrequency ' if opts['atomic_charges']: header_line += 'qiterative ' header_line += 'comp property ' script.write(header_line + '\n') script.write('\n') script.write('\n') # Write forcefield into script script.write(self.forcefield) script.write('\n') script.write('\n') if opts['pbc']: for snapshot in self.structure.snaplist: script.write('vectors\n') script.write(np.array_str('[','').replace(']','') + '\n') script.write('Fractional\n') for atom in snapshot.atomlist: positions = atom.element.title() + ' core ' positions += np.array_str(atom.fract).replace('[','').replace(']','') positions += ' 0.0 1.0 0.0 1 1 1 \n' script.write(positions) script.write('\n\n\n') else: for snapshot in self.structure.snaplist: script.write('Cartesian\n') for atom in snapshot.atomlist: positions = atom.element.title() + ' core ' positions += np.array_str(atom.cart).replace('[','').replace(']','') positions += ' 0.0 1.0 0.0 1 1 1 \n' script.write(positions) script.write('\n\n\n') script.write('\n') if opts['phonon_dispersion_from'] is not None: if opts['phonon_dispersion_to'] is not None: script.write('dispersion 1 100 \n') script.write(opts['phonon_dispersion_from'] + ' to ' + opts['phonon_dispersion_to']+'\n') script.write('output phonon ' + os.path.basename(self.outfile + '.disp')) script.write('\n') script.write('\n') script.close()
[docs] def cleanup(self): """ Clean-up after the completion of a GULP job. Deletes input, output and forcefields files """ files_to_be_removed = [self.outfile+'.disp', self.outfile+'.dens', self.outfile, self.scriptfile, self.outfile+'.runerror'] for file in files_to_be_removed: if os.path.isfile(file): os.remove(file) elif os.path.isfile(self.path+'/'+file): os.remove(self.path+'/'+file)
## OOP methods for reading output from GULP
[docs] def read_energy(self): """ Read energy from completed GULP job :returns: Energy of the input structure(s) in eV as a np.ndarray """ return _read_energy(self.outfile)
[docs] def read_elastic_moduli(self): """ Read elastic modulus matrix from a completed GULP job :returns: 6x6 Elastic modulus matrix in GPa for each input structure, as a list """ return _read_elastic_moduli(self.outfile)
[docs] def read_phonon_dispersion(self, units='cm-1'): """ Read phonon dispersion from a complete GULP job :returns: 2D np.array containing the phonon dispersion in THz """ return _read_phonon_dispersion(self.outfile+'.disp', units=units)
[docs] def read_atomic_charges(self): """ Read atomic charge information from a completed GULP job file :returns: xtal.AtTraj object with optimized charge information """ return _read_atomic_charges(self.outfile)
[docs] def read_structure(self): """ Read converged structure (cell and atomic positions) from the MD job :returns: xtal.AtTraj object with (optimized) individual structures as separate snapshots """ return _read_structure(self.outfile, relax_cell=self.options['relax_cell'],
def _read_elastic_moduli(outfilename): """ Read elastic modulus matrix from a completed GULP job :param outfilename: Path of the stdout from the GULP job :type outfilename: str :returns: 6x6 Elastic modulus matrix in GPa """ outfile = open(outfilename,'r') moduli_array = [] while True: oneline = outfile.readline() if not oneline: # break at EOF break if 'Elastic Constant Matrix' in oneline: moduli = np.zeros((6,6)) dummyline = outfile.readline() dummyline = outfile.readline() dummyline = outfile.readline() dummyline = outfile.readline() for i in range(6): modline = outfile.readline().strip() e1, e2, e3, e4, e5, e6 = modline[3:13], modline[13:23], modline[23:33], modline[33:43], modline[43:53], modline[53:63] modarray = [e1,e2,e3,e4,e5,e6] float_modarray = [] # Handle errors for element in modarray: if element[0] == "*": float_modarray.append(0.0) else: float_modarray.append(float(element)) moduli[i,:] = float_modarray moduli_array.append(moduli) outfile.close() return moduli_array def _read_energy(outfilename): """ Read single-point from a completed GULP job :param outfilename: Path of the stdout from the GULP job :type outfilename: str :returns: Energy of the structure in eV """ energy_in_eV = [] outfile = open(outfilename, 'r') for line in outfile: if 'Total lattice energy' in line: if line.strip().split()[-1] == 'eV': energy_in_eV.append(float(line.strip().split()[-2])) outfile.close() return np.array(energy_in_eV) def _read_phonon_dispersion(phonon_dispersion_file, units='cm-1'): """ Read phonon dispersion from a complete GULP job :param phonon_dispersion_file: Path of file containing phonon dispersion from the GULP job :type phonon_dispersion_file: str :returns: 2D np.array containing the phonon dispersion in THz """ pbs = [] freq_conversion = {'cm-1': 0.0299792453684314, 'THz': 1, 'eV': 241.79893, 'meV': 0.24180} dispersion = open(phonon_dispersion_file, 'r') for line in dispersion: if not line.strip().startswith('#'): str_index, str_freq = line[:4], line[4:] if not str_freq[0] == '*': pbs.append(float(str_freq)) else: pbs.append(0.0) dispersion.close() num_bands = int(len(pbs)/100) pbs = np.array(pbs).reshape((100,num_bands)).T pbs *= convert.frequency[units]['THz'] return pbs def _read_atomic_charges(outfilename): """ Read atomic charge information from a completed GULP job file :param outfilename: Filename of the GULP output file :type outfilename: str :returns: xtal object with optimized charge information """ structure = xtal.AtTraj() = np.zeros((3,3)) outfile = open(outfilename, 'r') while True: oneline = outfile.readline() if not oneline: # EOF check break if 'Output for configuration' in oneline: snapshot = structure.create_snapshot(xtal.Snapshot) if 'Final charges from ReaxFF' in oneline: snapshot.atomlist = [] dummyline = outfile.readline() dummyline = outfile.readline() dummyline = outfile.readline() dummyline = outfile.readline() while True: charges = outfile.readline().strip().split() if charges[0][0] == '-': break else: atom = snapshot.create_atom(xtal.Atom) atom.charge = float(charges[-1]) return structure def _read_structure(outfilename, relax_cell=True, initial_box=None): """ Read converged structure (cell and atomic positions) from the MD job :param outfilename: Path of file containing stdout of the GULP job :type outfilename: str :param relax_cell: Flag to identify if simulation cell was relaxed during the MD job :type relax_cell: boolean :param initial_box: Initial simulation cell used for the MD job :type initial_box: 3X3 np.ndarray :returns: xtal.AtTraj object with (optimized) individual structures as separate snapshots """ relaxed = xtal.AtTraj() = np.zeros((3,3)) if (not relax_cell) and (initial_box is not None): = initial_box # Read number of atoms outfile = open(outfilename, 'r') for line in outfile: if 'Number of irreducible atoms/shells' in line.strip(): snapshot = relaxed.create_snapshot(xtal.Snapshot) num_atoms = int(line.strip().split()[-1]) for atomID in range(num_atoms): atom = snapshot.create_atom(xtal.Atom) atom.cart = np.array([0.0,0.0,0.0]) atom.fract = np.array([0.0,0.0,0.0]) outfile.close() snapID = 0 convert_to_cart = True outfile = open(outfilename, 'r') while True: oneline = outfile.readline() if not oneline: # break for EOF break if 'Comparison of initial and final' in oneline: dummyline = outfile.readline() dummyline = outfile.readline() dummyline = outfile.readline() dummyline = outfile.readline() while True: data = outfile.readline().strip().split() if data[0].isdigit(): atomID = int(data[0])-1 if data[1] == 'x': axisID = 0 elif data[1] == 'y': axisID = 1 else: axisID = 2 if data[5] == 'Cartesian': relaxed.snaplist[snapID].atomlist[atomID].cart[axisID] = float(data[3]) convert_to_cart = False elif data[5] == 'Fractional': relaxed.snaplist[snapID].atomlist[atomID].fract[axisID] = float(data[3]) elif data[0][0] == '-': break snapID += 1 outfile.close() if convert_to_cart: if relax_cell: outfile = open(outfilename, 'r') snapID = 0 while True: oneline = outfile.readline() if not oneline: # break for EOF break if 'Final Cartesian lattice vectors (Angstroms)' in oneline: dummyline = outfile.readline() for i in range(3):[i][0:3] = list(map(float,outfile.readline().strip().split())) relaxed.make_dircar_matrices() relaxed.snaplist[snapID].dirtocar() snapID += 1 outfile.close() else: relaxed.make_dircar_matrices() relaxed.dirtocar() return relaxed